Healthy and happy. Two simple words, they are often repeated in wishes and dreams. Obviously the best is when both go together. However, achieving them often borders with a miracle. Definition of happiness is different for everyone, but definition of health is usually the same for everyone. It took me a while to find my “happiness”. I can say 30 years. Well, but in the end, they say life begins after 30 馃槈

Me being happy means, feelings are satisfied with my own choices, consistent with actions and fully content with their implementation. In my private life, I always knew what I want, how do I want to live my life and with whom I want to share it. My wonderful grandfather used to tell me that “you have to deeply know what you desire in life and stick exactly only with this what you look for”. These words come back to me often.

Health… that’s a little different story. I’ve always said about myself I live healthy. As it turned out and even I thought I live in the right way I did not have the faintest idea about healthy lifestyle. Sometimes something needs to happen in your life, perhaps even shocking, but this gives you determination to find the right path. I do not write these words as an expert, because I’m far from that level, but I feel I鈥檓 going through a transformation.

My level of knowledge on basic issues like: why shouldn’t we avoid eating fat and how it is important for our body, on which oil to cook daily meals, how important supplementation is, what is the difference between acidity of the stomach and acidic body, how to distinguish those terms and implement to our life, plus thousands of other things that I learned not too long ago, it was basically at level zero. But…I never got really deep into the primary topic. What is the most important factor that destroys the body, weakens it, and often lead to diseases which we do not think about, until it touches us personally when you do not expect it at all? Stress. Stress, which accumulates in our body, cells, and in a postponed way weakens your system and is taking out energy and overloading organs.

Constantly busy, thinking about work, money, career, success, performance, searching for love, seeking the meaning of life…We all aspire to a state of satisfaction and “happiness”. Not concerned about the consequences of our habits, behaviors which quietly and deeply root in our body. The words of the Dalai Lama that already certainly circled around the entire planet thousands of times, fully reflects my thoughts … Man actually sacrifices his health in order to make money and then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous? Of course it does, but most of us precisely live this way.

I can fully (unfortunately) admit I’m a perfectionist and if something is not exactly like I want it to be, I have a problem with that :D. I’m saying strictly about matters which impose myself. Seeking the aim didn’t make any impression on me – accomplishments definitely yes. My character often didn’t allow me to enjoy the little things, because I always saw another problem, there was always something that could had been done better, and certainly there was always something to worry about. I write it on purpose in the past tense, because I did want to change it. I’ve been working on it already for a while, but only now I feel that I am ready to enter a lot of changes in my current habits that have mixed up over thirty years.

“Challenges” lately have become extremely fashionable. People mainly use them to lose weight and to motivate themselves for physical activity. I throw myself a challenge, “take it easy” 馃檪 Do not confuse it with “doing nothing” because I’m a very active person every day, having a fully scheduled week in advance and already having new plans on my mind but it’s time to think about myself and assimilate more positive and healthy egoism… If you feel that you might need to make some changes in your lifestyle, my checklist can be found in the next “healthy” post 馃檪 Stay tuned!

Happy & Healthy
Zdrowa i szcz臋艣liwa. Dwa niby proste s艂owa i tak cz臋sto powtarzane w 偶yczeniach i marzeniach. Najlepiej jak id膮 w parze… Osi膮gni臋cie ich jednak niekiedy graniczy z cudem. Dla ka偶dego definicja szcz臋艣cia jest inna lecz zdrowia… tu ka偶dy ma tak膮 sam膮. Mnie samej troch臋 zaj臋艂o dop艂yni臋cie do przystani “szcz臋艣cie”. Mo偶na rzec 30 lat… No ale w ko艅cu 偶ycie zaczyna si臋 po 30-tce 馃槈

Szcz臋艣liwa, czyli zadowolona z w艂asnych wybor贸w, konsekwentna w swoich dzia艂aniach i usatysfakcjonowana w pe艂ni z ich realizacji. W 偶yciu prywatnym zawsze wiedzia艂am czego chc臋 i kogo szukam. To by艂o nadzwyczaj trudne ale nie posz艂am na skr贸ty. Czeka艂am, szuka艂am, cz臋sto z niecierpliwo艣ci膮 ale do skutku. M贸j Cudowny Dziadek zawsze powtarza艂 mi, 偶e “trzeba wiedzie膰 czego si臋 pragnie i tylko tego trzyma膰”. Te s艂owa d藕wi臋cz膮 mi w g艂owie przez ca艂y czas…

Ze zdrowiem to ju偶 troch臋 inna bajka… Zawsze m贸wi艂am o sobie “偶yj臋 zdrowo”. Jak si臋 okaza艂o, nie mia艂am o tym bladego poj臋cia. Czasem w 偶yciu musi wydarzy膰 si臋 jednak co艣, co tob膮 wstrz膮艣nie, aby temat wywr贸ci膰 do g贸ry nogami. Nie pisz臋 tych s艂贸w jako ekspert w temacie, bo daleko mi do tego etapu ale pisz臋 je jako osoba w pe艂ni 艣wiadoma.

M贸j poziom wiedzy na temat spraw ca艂kowicie podstawowych: na czym sma偶y膰, jakich t艂uszczy u偶ywa膰, jak wa偶na jest suplementacja organizmu, czym jest zakwaszenie 偶o艂膮dka, a czym zakwaszony organizm, jak to rozr贸偶nia膰 i na czym to wszystko polega, plus tysi膮ce innych rzeczy, kt贸re pozna艂am w nie tak odleg艂ym czasie, by艂 w zasadzie na zerowym poziomie. Nigdy jednak nie wg艂臋bia艂am si臋 w temat podstawowy… Co jest tym najwa偶niejszym czynnikiem, kt贸ry wyniszcza organizm, os艂abia go i cz臋sto doprowadza do chor贸b, o kt贸rych nie my艣limy, dop贸ki nie dotkn膮 nas osobi艣cie w najmniej oczekiwanym momencie? Stres… Stres, kt贸ry kumuluje si臋 w naszym ciele, w kom贸rkach, odk艂ada i os艂abia cia艂o zabieraj膮c mu mn贸stwo energii przeci膮偶aj膮c organy.

Wiecznie zabiegani, my艣l膮cy o pracy, pieni膮dzach, karierze, sukcesie, spe艂nieniu, posiadaniu co raz wi臋cej i wi臋cej, poszukuj膮cy mi艂o艣ci i sensu 偶ycia. Wszyscy d膮偶ymy do stanu zadowolenia i “szcz臋艣cia”. Nie zastanawiamy si臋 jednak nad konsekwencjami swoich nawyk贸w, zachowa艅, przyzwyczaje艅, kt贸re po cichu gdzie艣 si臋 g艂臋boko zakorzeniaj膮. S艂owa Dalajlamy, kt贸re ju偶 z pewno艣ci膮 okr膮偶y艂y sie膰 i ca艂膮 planet臋 tysi膮ce razy, w pe艂ni oddaj膮 moj膮 my艣l… Cz艂owiek faktycznie po艣wi臋ca swoje zdrowie, by zarabia膰 pieni膮dze. Nast臋pnie po艣wi臋ca pieni膮dze, by to zdrowie odzyska膰. Absurd, a jednak wi臋kszo艣膰 z nas dok艂adnie tak post臋puje.

Mog臋 艣mia艂o (niestety) o sobie powiedzie膰, 偶e jestem perfekcjonistk膮 i je艣li co艣 nie jest dok艂adnie po mojej my艣li, to mam z tym problem 馃榾 Mowie tu stricte o sprawach, kt贸re sobie sama narzucam. D膮偶enie do celu nie robi艂o na mnie 偶adnego wra偶enia – osi膮gni臋cie go, zdecydowanie tak. Charakter m贸j nie pozwala艂 mi cz臋sto cieszy膰 si臋 drobiazgami, bo zawsze widzia艂am w czym艣 jeszcze problem, zawsze by艂o co艣 co mo偶na by艂o zrobi膰 lepiej, a ju偶 na pewno zawsze by艂o co艣 czym nale偶a艂o si臋 martwic. 聽Celowo pisz臋 w czasie przesz艂ym, gdy偶 ca艂膮 sob膮 zapragn臋艂am to zmieni膰. Pracuje 聽nad tym od d艂u偶szego ju偶 czasu, lecz dopiero teraz czuj臋, 偶e jestem gotowa wprowadzi膰 du偶o zmian w moich dotychczasowych ponad trzydziestoletnich nawykach…

Niezwykle modne sta艂y si臋 ostatnio tzw. wyzwania. G艂贸wnie dotycz膮 one odchudzania i aktywno艣ci fizycznej. Ja rzucam sobie wyzwanie “wrzu膰 na luz” 馃檪 Nie mylcie go z “nic nie robi臋”, bo aktywno艣ci i obowi膮zk贸w codziennych mam co nie miara, a nowych plan贸w jeszcze wi臋cej 馃槈 Czas jednak pomy艣le膰 o sobie i przyswoi膰 nieco pozytywnego i zdrowego egoizmu… Je艣li poczujecie potrzeb臋 dokonania pewnych zmian w swoim stylu 偶ycia, moj膮 list臋 kontroln膮 znajdziecie w kolejnym “zdrowym” po艣cie 馃檪

Happy & Healthy Happy & Healthy

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I鈥檓 a blessed mom of two sweet girls, wife to an amazing and caring man, passionate writer, photography enthusiast and Certified Professional Life & Family Coach. I鈥檓 here to increase your positivity, attain fresh perspectives and help you to prosper in life, with family and in your professional careers.

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